Table of Contents

WNDR3800 Router

The Vikings WNDR3800 router is a re-branded Netgear WNDR3800 router.

Setting up your router

Starting the router for the first time

  1. Connect the power adapter (12V) of the router to a power outlet and your router (labeled “Power 12V, 2.5A”)
  2. Turn on the router. The on/off switch is located next to the router's power input (labeled “Power On/Off”)
  3. The LED on the front of the router should start flashing. It may take a couple of minutes until the router completed booting, this is then indicated by a constantly lit power LED.

Accessing the LibreCMC web interface

  1. Connect your computer to your router via an Ethernet cable to one of the four Ethernet ports <html></html>labeled in orange<html></html>
  2. Your computer will now receive an IP address from your routers DHCP server (assuming your computer is set up to automatically connect to a DHCP server), this should only takes seconds
  3. Open a web-browser and enter the following address into the address bar:
    1. Another option is to enter the host name of the router instead: https://librecmc.lan
  4. If you're using a recent web browser, a “Your connection is not secure” windows will pop up because lack of the certificate chain to a “trusted authority” known by your web browser. You must create an exception in order to access the interface like so (example Firefox): AdvancedAdd ExceptionConfirm Security Exception
  5. The web interface of your router will appear. There is no password set at this point! The username is root
  6. After you've logged in it's time to change the password in order to improve security. This is the first task and very important, even more so as soon as there are untrusted devices or computers with e.g. an Apple or Microsoft operating system in your network. To change the password access the menu: SystemAdministration and enter your new, secure password in the Password and Confirmation fields and click Save & Apply at the bottom of the page

Activating the wireless interfaces

The wireless interfaces need to be switched on manually (Menu: Network → Wireless → Enable)

Wireless On/Off Button

There's a physical button to enable and disable the wireless which is not enabled by default and some additional software and configuration is needed as outlined below:

router$ opkg update
router$ opkg install wifitoggle

The configuration file is stored in /etc/config/wifitoggle

router$ edit /etc/config/wifitoggle

# Internal name of the button to use.
option button 'rfkill'

# Keep Wifi state on reset, always 0 if Timer enabled
option persistent '1'

# Seconds for wifi to be turned off, 0 for no timer
option timer '0'

# LED light to use%%''\\
option led_sysfs 'netgear:green:wps'

# Trigger to enable/disable LED
option led_enable_trigger 'none'

# For timer trigger, How long (in milliseconds) the LED should be off.
option led_enable_delayoff '500'

# For timer trigger, How long (in milliseconds) the LED should be on.
option led_enable_delayon '500'

# LED state before trigger: 0 means OFF and 1 means ON
option led_disable_default '0'
It is highly recommended to keep track of distro updates. These often address critical security issues. Most distros have an RSS feed or mailing list for this which we recommend to monitor.

Upgrading the router firmware with a LibreCMC firmware binary

Do not disconnect your router from power while performing an update.

The flashing process will take a couple of minutes, your router will come up again automatically once the upgrade is finished.

Upgrading the router firmware with LibreCMC firmware built from source


Vikings ships this router with an web interface set to English. There are multiple other languages available. In order to set the web interface to another language, please follow these steps:


Best Connections


Advanced Features




The Vikings WNDR3800 comes with LibreCMC, a GNU/Linux-libre distribution for computers with minimal resources with emphasis on free software. LibreCMC's goal is to aim for compliance with the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines (GNU FSDG) and ensure that the project continues to meet these requirements set forth by the Free Software Foundation (FSF).

RSS Feed (releases)

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Build Documentation

Learn how to build libreCMC for your device

Issues / To investigate

To do

  1. How to: Configure the router with self-signed SSL certificates and/or Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
  2. How to: Resetting the router to factory settings

Vikings WNDR3800 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router at the Vikings Store